Pastors, we are excited to bring you this event specifically geared to those called to ministry.
The sessions will be targeted to specific ministry areas and we will have District pastors as well as our guest, Steve Svoboda, pouring into the lives of our students.
If you have students ages 15 through college age, we want to invite you and these future leaders to attend together for a time of training and partnership!
Date: October 12
Time: 9:00 AM-2:15 PM (subject to change)
Location: LifeChurch Birmingham
Fee: There is no fee to attend this event.
Registration: Pastors should register their students HERE.
9:30 AM....................................Registration opens
10:00 AM-11:30 AM...............General Session 1
11;30 AM-12:30 AM.............Lunch and Breakouts
12:45 PM-2:00 PM..................General Session 2
The deadline to register is Sept 27th!